Landing Page Headline

Websites get personal.

Journity helps you connect with your audience at specific points in their journey within your website.

Learn about your audience

We build profiles for every website visitor, capturing engagement analytics and behavioral data, automatically.

Boost engagement with segmentation

Quickly act on your insights to connect with people who visit your site, individually, or grouped, based on behavioral and profile data.

Guided next step suggestions

Guide users on a step-by-step journey through your website using our built-in engagement score and one-to-one segmentation.

Multiply your mission

Track performance and gain insight into which messages convert with A/B/n testing and instant results for optimization. 

<svg id="swoop-reverse" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 1280 129.29"><path d="M0,125.63s73.94,6,145.5,2.6C312,120.24,590,18.9,944,18.9c212.67,0,336,32.38,336,32.38V0H0Z" style="fill:#fff"></path></svg>

Start learning about your audience in minutes…


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Unlimited 30-day free trial

By creating a Journity account, you’re agreeing to accept the Journity Terms of Service.

Contact us with any questions you have…


[email protected]